How to eat watermelon seeds
You may have once believed that swallowing a watermelon seed would ignite the expansion of a colossal fruit within your belly. thus rather than ingesting, you diligently plucked out every individual seed before chewing into the juicy fruit. otherwise you unbroken associate degree arsenal of seeds within the pocket of your cheek to use as expulsion munition against your older brother. But these seeds won't bud fruit within your body and that they shouldn’t be tossed or shot at associate degree annoying relative. Instead, they ought to be eaten . (Here’s the catch: You shouldn’t eat them straight from the fruit. to form the foremost of them, the seeds ought to be up and shelled.) Once up, shelled and dried, watermelon seeds become edible, protein-packed treasures. simply a one-ounce serving (about 1/8 of a cup) boasts ten grams of macromolecule — similar to the quantity found in your Greek yoghourt breakfast. “Sprouted” seeds area unit germinated and frequently area unit higher...